Thursday, January 1, 2009

8 miles 9 am, 65 mins jan 1/ 2009

me and the little missus stayed in last night, drank a bottle of wine and watched the canadian juniors beat the u.s. 7-4. i had promised theresa that i would not go out and get too silly, which i didnt, and start the new year off right with a run. since kelrock has gotten me back into it, and no problems from cramping calves, i was able to do my first long run in 4 years in the company of jeff ruigrok. we talked about the flow of the run, hills for strength, and the possible staple long run on the end i was very happy to have run for that long. i now have to deal with runners' toe, all black nail and blood, and a nasty, broken blister on the arch of my left foot. the weather was very cold at -18 deg., but thank god there was no wind. i also have some nasty nasal flow after the run, must be my body's way of saying welcome back!! everyone from the run headed to timmy's for coffee and donuts, i just went on home and enjoyed my own home made dark roast coffee..ahhhhhhh. as for the cycling aspect, i still have some very specific goals for 2009 and this afternoon calls for a long ride indoors possibly of 2 hrs....we'll see what the doctor orded!!!

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